Peppa is an international digital platform owned and operated by Pepper Rest Ltd, a private company limited by shares registered under the laws of England and Wales (the "Company"). It serves as a storefront for merchants and vendors. Considering the international nature of the operations of Peppa's users, the Company prioritizes trans-jurisdictional compliance with applicable legislation for the sales of goods and the provision of services by users in the countries in which its services and those of its users including customers are available.

    Each user shall ensure that the listing, sale, and purchase of goods on Peppa is in compliance with the applicable sale of goods laws and related legislation in their countries of residence and operation as well as the Peppa policies including but not limited to the Terms of Service ,Privacy Policy , and Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Policies. Each transaction shall fulfil relevant legal obligations as well as recognise and respect the rights of third parties.

    In the event that the activity of a user falls short of the requirements, the Company reserves the right to take action as listed in its policies and/or other law. The Company's actions may include the deletion of the product listings, removal of search results, cancellation of transactions, reduction of seller rating, restriction of vendor or merchant profiles, restriction of user activity, merchant forfeiture of fees including cost and transaction fee, restriction of access to the Peppa application, and account suspension or deletion.

  • 1. Adult items
  • Certain goods and services regarding sexual or adult activity including physical and digital content, art, wellness items, and other related material are not permitted on Peppa.

    Sexual art, sex toys and accessories may be listed for sale in the Adult category provided that each seller of such products shall be pre-approved by Peppa. Items to be listed shall be new and sold in original packaging. The listings of these items shall not include nudity or sexually explicit images.

  • 2. Alcohol
  • All sellers of alcoholic beverages must be compliant with Peppa'sTerms of Service as well as compliant with the legislation which regulate the sale of alcohol in the countries of their operation as well as the country of the customer (s) making the purchase.

  • 3. Arms and Ammunition
  • For compliance and safety concerns, the sale of most weapons on Peppa is prohibited. All offensive weapons defined by the provisions of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 shall not be listed for sale on Peppa.

    The following items and their accessories are also not permitted for sale: rifles, gins or pistols, including airsoft rifles, air guns, BB guns, Pellet guns, blow or dart guns, flare guns, potato guns, tear gas, pepper spray, mace, stun guns and all other firearms including replica weapons, hand weapons, throwing weapons, tasers, swords, crossbows, and long bows.

    This prohibition on the sale of firearms is inclusive of barrels, bullets, casings, cartridges, firing pins, hulls, shells, receivers, trigger assemblies, and magazines, bullets, and other parts and accessories including blueprints and accessories.

  • 4. Animals
  • Users may list certain animal and wildlife products on Peppa:

    a. Live Bait: Minnows, shiners, earthworms, and mealworms are permissible for sale.

    b. Composting Worms: Sellers are allowed to offer composting worms for those interested in composting.

    c. Live Insects: Crickets can be sold as bait or as feeder food for pets.

    d. Shellfish for Human Consumption: Shellfish, such as crabs and lobsters, can be sold live, specifically for human consumption.

    e. Aquarium or Pond Creatures: Small aquarium or pond creatures,including fish up to 5cm long, snails, tadpoles, or similar species, can be listed. Aquarium or pond fish longer than 5cm may be offered with the "Collection in person" option.

    f. Hatching Eggs: Sellers are permitted to offer hatching eggs for certain animals, with the condition that domestic-only next-day delivery within the UK is provided.

    Endangered and protected species and their products cannot be listed for sale on Peppa. The sellers of permitted animals and animal products have the obligation to comply with applicable laws and policies including international regulation and conventions for the sale and shipping of animal products and procure the required licenses and permits.

  • 5. Animal traps
  • Generally, the sale of traps is not permitted on Peppa. The only traps permitted for sale are fish traps, trap cages, mouse traps, glue traps not intended for rats or mice, and other traps designed for the humane capture of animals. Traps for the capture of bears are not permitted for sale.

  • 6. Charity
  • Peppa may be used for charitable causes, provided that real estate cannot be listed for sale and the proceeds of the sale shall be used for the purpose for which the account, which must be maintained post-sale, was created.

  • 7. Content
  • The following content, physical, digital, or otherwise, are banned from Peppa:

    a. Items which express insensitivity or benefit from tragedy or human suffering.

    b. Listings or content which promote or glorify hatred, violence, or discrimination.

    c. Obscene content or material describing or featuring child pornography, torture, rape, necrophilia, incest, bestiality or related content.

  • 8. Cosmetics
  • The sale and listing of cosmetic products must be in compliance with applicable regulations including the Cosmetics Regulation (for sales in England and Wales).

    Used cosmetics and cosmetic products are not permitted for sale. All cosmetic products must be sold and packaged in the original packaging of the manufacturer.

    Sellers must include the following information in the listing of their products:

    a. the name of the cosmetic product,

    b. the list of ingredients,

    c. the products registered number,

    d. where applicable, the name and address of the person/entity responsible for the manufacture of the product.

    All sellers of cosmetics products which contain Cannabidiol (CBD) shall disclose and seek the approval of Peppa before listing and selling CBD cosmetics. The sale of CBD cosmetics shall subject to the following:

    a. The approval of the regulatory authorities.

    b. The listing's disclosure of the required information including the details of manufacturer(s) and the product ingredients and relevant dates.

    c. The extent of the products compliance with safety and applicable legal requirements.

    d. The compliance of the product with all applicable legal requirements.

    e. The product and listing shall provide warranties and shall be exclusive of claims which are either illegal or violate applicable regulation.

    Each CBD product shall be listed in the dedicated Cosmetics category.

  • 9. Counterfeits
  • Counterfeit items are illegal and infringe on the moral and economic rights of manufacturers and creators. All counterfeit items are prohibited from being sold on Peppa. Peppa may be informed of the listing of a counterfeit product via email at

  • 10. Currency
  • Peppa permits financial transactions including transactions in physical and virtual currency, subject to the following per category;

    a. Bullion: only original bullion are permitted for listing and sale on Peppa. All replica, counterfeit, or plated bars cannot be sold or listed for sale. The sale of bullion shall comply with applicable government regulation and the listing include an extensive description of the bar which shall include details which reflect the originality of the bullion item being sold.

    b. Collectible currency: The sale of currency, including notes and coins, from any country. for collection purposes is permitted, provided that the sale of such currency, in a single listing or multiple listings per transaction shall not exceed from any country shall not exceed £2000.

  • 11. Credit and Debit Cards
  • The sale of credit cards, debit cards, and money orders is prohibited on Peppa. However, inactive credit and debit cards which expired at least ten years before the proposed sale and which cannot be reactivated and reused in financial systems may be listed and sold. Peppa also permits the sale of blank plastic bank cards without magnetic strips or active chips.

  • 12. Replica coins
  • Replica coins are not permitted for sale. Only one-sided replica paper currency which is less than 75% or greater than 150% of the genuine currency may be listed for sale. The listing of permissible currency shall include a photograph of the replica paper currency and the inclusion of the word "replica" in the title and description.

  • 13. Stamps
  • The Company prohibits the listing and sale of counterfeit and replica stamps on Peppa. The sale of counterfeit and replica stamp making equipment is also prohibited.

    The sale of collectible and replica stamps is permitted on Peppa, subject to the following:

    a. Collectible Stamps: The listing must include a picture of the actual item and where applicable, disclose as alterations or flaws not seen in the photograph.

    b. Replica stamps: The title, description, and photographs must show and state that the stamp is a replica.

  • 14. Virtual Currency
  • The listing of and sale of virtual currency via Peppa is prohibited. Users are prohibited from selling or listing virtual currencies, virtual currency mining contracts, virtual currency paper wallets.Users may list and sell mining hardware and wallets as well as collectible physical coins, subject to the collectible currency policy above.

  • 15. Vouchers
  • Peppa permits the sale of vouchers provided that a seller may list up to £2000 not exceeding 20 vouchers per 30-day period, provided that vouchers to be listed shall be physical vouchers not copied, printed, or scanned vouchers.

    Sellers shall not list:

    a. Expired vouchers or vouchers which will expire before reaching the buyer.

    b. Vouchers for recalled items.

    c. Vouchers which include other vouchers.

  • 16. Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia
  • Peppa generally prohibits the sale of items which breach the provisions of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 and other applicable regulations including drugs, drug paraphernalia, and other items intended for drug use. Permitted sellers are allowed to sell CBD products which comply with applicable legal requirements.

  • 17. Electronic equipment
  • Peppa implements restrictions on the sale of a wide range of electronic equipment, especially equipment used to transmit signals or form surveillance purposes.

    The following cannot be listed for sale on Peppa:

    a. Handheld telephone below 853MHz

    b. Electricity or energy-saving devices.

    c. Devices which interfere with traffic light controls.

    d. Electronic signal jamming devices.

    e. Digital decoders.

    f. Radar detectors.

    Cameras, recorders, and other similar devices may be listed as long as the listing expressly discourages their use for illicit purposes.

  • 18. Emission Control Devices
  • Peppa prohibits the sale of goods or services which bypass interfere with or disable emission control systems. This prohibition extends to items which may in combination with other products be used to cause such disruptions.

  • 19. Food
  • Certain food products are prohibited on Peppa to safeguard the health and safety of our users. When listing permitted food items, sellers must adhere to the following policy:

    a. Prohibited Food Items

    The following food items and similar products are not allowed on Peppa:

    i. Unpasteurized dairy products (except for cheese complying with government guidelines).

    ii. Unpasteurized fruit or vegetable juice

    iii. Wild mushrooms (except for morel and shiitake mushrooms).

    iv. Ackee fruit or seeds.

    v. Expired food

    vi. Government assistance benefits that can be used for food.

    b. CBD-Containing Food Products

    Permitted business sellers can sell products containing CBD, but these items must adhere to specific legal requirements, including:

    i. Compliance with all applicable legal standards.

    ii. Absence of health or other claims that may be illegal or violate regulations.

    iii. Compliance with the Drugs and Drug Paraphernalia provisions of this Policy.

    iv. Containing pure CBD only.

    c. Authorization Requirements for CBD-Containing Food Products

    The CBD-containing food product must meet one of the following authorization criteria:

    i. Authorized as a novel food by the Food Standards Agency (FSA).

    ii. On the market by 13 February 2021 and under consideration for novel food authorization by the FSA, evidenced by inclusion in the FSA's current list of CBD products linked to novel food applications or written confirmation of a timely application pending validation.

    d. Additional Requirements for CBD Food Products

    i. Listed in the dedicated Food category.

    ii. Shipped only to England and Wales.

    e. Listing Requirements for Allowed Food Items

    When listing permitted food items, sellers must:

    i. Ensure proper packaging and safe storage of food items

    ii. Clearly state the expiration date in the item description.

    iii. Specify how perishable items will be delivered, ensuring delivery before the expiration date.

    f. Business Registration

    Before selling food items, sellers must register their business with the UK local authority. By following these guidelines, sellers contribute to a secure and transparent marketplace for food items on Peppa.

  • 20. Funeral items
  • Users are permitted to sell new funeral items such as caskets, gravestones headstones, urns, tombstones, which have never been used.

  • 21. Government Items
  • Subject to applicable regulation, the Company prohibits the listing of all government issued documents and items including identity cards, uniforms, numberplates, licenses and permits.

  • 22. Hazardous Materials
  • The Company prohibits the sale of hazardous material including but not limited to poisons and radioactive materials on Peppa.

  • 23. Human parts
  • Save for items which contain human scalp hair such as wigs, the sale of human body parts and items which wholly or partly consist of human body parts are not permitted for sale on Peppa.

  • 24. Intangibles
  • Peppa prohibits the sale of items or products which a buyer cannot confirm receipt of. Prohibited items under this category include ghosts, souls, destinies, spells, haunted items, and all related items

  • 25. Jewelry
  • Seller of jewelry shall have the obligation to disclose specific details of their items including but not limited to sourcing (naturally occurring or lab-created), quality, categories, and other information which may inform the purchasing decision of buyers.

  • 26. Knives
  • Only kitchen knives, cutlery, general multi-purpose camping knives and silverware may be sold on Peppa.

  • 27. Lockpicks
  • The sale of lockpicking and locksmithing devices is prohibited on Peppa.

  • 28. Medical Devices
  • All medical items to be listed on Peppa must be registered with the relevant medical authorities and must prior to their listing, fulfil relevant provisions of the applicable regulation.

  • 29. Military and Police Items
  • The sale of military and police items such as emergency response uniforms, equipment and accessories cannot be listed on Peppa.

  • 30. Perfumes
  • Peppa prohibits the sale of testers, samples, counterfeits, imposter perfumes and decanters. All other perfumes, including home-made perfumes, and accessories may be sold provided that new perfumes shall be sold in original packaging which shall disclose the manufacturing information, the list of ingredients, and all other details relevant to the use and preservation of the product.

  • 31. Personal Information
  • At Peppa, we prioritize the safety and privacy of our users. Therefore, the sale of certain items is strictly prohibited. The following items are not permitted for sale:

    a. Personal Contact Information: Items containing personal contact information, including phone numbers, email lists, and addresses, are strictly prohibited.

    b. Sensitive Information: Sale of sensitive information such as social security numbers or similar confidential details is not permitted.

    c. Accounts Requiring Passwords: Selling accounts that require users to provide passwords, such as access to the next level of social media games, is prohibited.

  • 32. Social Media Items
  • Items related to social media, including but not limited to "accounts," "likes," "followers," or "subscribers," cannot be sold on Peppa.

  • 33. Unsolicited Contact Software
  • The sale of software or tools designed to send unsolicited contacts, such as spam via text messages or email, or to harvest contact details, is not allowed.

    By implementing these policies, Peppa aims to create a secure and private marketplace, ensuring a positive and trustworthy experience for all users. If you have any questions or concerns about these policies, kindly contact Peppa customer support for assistance.

  • 34. Pesticides and Fertilizers
  • The sale of pesticides on Peppa is regulated by the relevant regulation in the United Kingdom. The following pesticides are not permitted for sale on Peppa:

    a. Unregistered, unbranded, misbranded or pesticides restricted by regulation from general use.

    b. Pesticides outlawed by federal or state regulation

    c. Repackaged pesticides.

    d. Pesticides ineligible for shipment through standard shipping providers.

    Sellers of pesticides are required to procure relevant permits and licenses and comply with regulatory provisions for the production, sale, storage and shipping ahead of the listing of their products on Peppa.

  • 35. Plants
  • The sale of seeds and other plant products shall be subject to applicable government regulation.

  • 36. Price gouging
  • The listing of items for sale at a price higher than is fair or reasonable is not permitted on Peppa. Sellers shall not inflate the price of their goods in response to an emergency. Peppa reserves the right to grant the right to sell certain items to authorised dealers listed on Peppa.

  • 37. Property
  • Property may be listed for sale on Peppa. However, intenders purchasers should note that the listing of a property is not a binding offer to sell and each transaction is subject to the applicable real estate laws.

  • 38. Prescription Drugs
  • The Company prohibits the listing of prescription drugs and other over the counter-medical products which may contain prescription strength medication.

  • 39. Single-Use Plastics
  • The Company has a commitment to environmental sustainability and the reduction of adverse climate change. The listing of single use plastics is prohibited on Peppa.

  • 40. Tickets and Lotteries
  • Peppa prohibits the listing of all contests and transactions, such as raffles draws, sweepstakes and drawings, which create the opportunity to win items by chance or contest.

    Generally, event tickets cannot be listed for sale on Peppa. However, users may list tickets to cinema, amusement or theme parks for sale, provided that listing shall disclose the face value of new and resold tickets.

  • 41. Titles
  • Subject to the provisions of applicable regulation), the sale of national honours and titles is prohibited on Peppa.

  • 42. Tobacco items
  • The sale of items containing tobacco and nicotine, including electronic cigarettes is prohibited on Peppa.

  • 43. Travel
  • Travel items such as tickets and other related items and services, subject to the other terms of this policy, may be listed for sale, provided that the good and services to be provided comply with relevant provisions of applicable regulation.

  • 44. Used Clothing
  • The sale of used clothing is permitted provided that the following items regardless of their sanitary condition shall not be sold on Peppa-boxers and boxer shorts, brassiere, briefs, lingerie, nappies, panties, singlets, and other related items.

    The sellers of used clothing items permitted for sale shall include a statement to the effect that the listed item has been cleaned prior to sale, is stain-free, and in good condition.

  • 45. Software
  • Peppa prohibits the sale of beta software, including test keys, cards, or access codes. All original equipment manufacturer (OEM) must be sold with the original hardware and not separately. All OEM software listed for sale on Peppa must include the original hardware of the manufacture or the utility software of such OEM.

  • 46. Stocks and Securities
  • The Company generally prohibits the sale of stocks, investments, and other security interests on Peppa. Non-transferable single-share stock and collectible stock certificates may be listed for sale on Peppa, provided that the sale price of such items shall be at least twice the trading price of the security.

  • 47. Stolen Property
  • The listing and sale of stolen property is not permitted on Peppa. Users are encouraged to report listing or sale of stolen property transactions to Peppa via email to

  • 48. Vehicles
  • Peppa prohibits the sale of vehicles and vehicles accessories which breach applicable government regulation.

  • 49. Violence and Crimes
  • Products which are associated with crimes, individuals notable for committing violent acts, and items which promote violence or acts of violence shall not be listed on Peppa.